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-Hosted on the BBC website, Dance Mat Typing is designed to help young students learn how to touch type. The first level teaches the “home row” and increases in difficulty as the learner works through the stages. There’s more to explore here too, with topics such as: “What is a database?”, “How to create digital video and audio,” and “What makes a good webpage.”
-Take some virtual tours of Canadian farming through 360 degree video. You can explore many different types of farms including dairy, egg, pig, and much more! Also learn about topics such as apple orchards, and oat processing. Watch the 360 videos as well as informational supplementary videos on how each farm is run and the processing that each product goes through before reaching the consumers.
- Starfall is the perfect beginner educational game website. It’s a safe platform to use, with no advertisement links and is very user friendly. The educational games are grade level appropriate. This is a great way for students to learn beginner computer skills on Chromebooks, such as mouse control, browser navigation, and more, while having fun and supporting educational topics.
- Storyline online offers videos of celebrated actors and actresses reading childrens books. Each book contains additional supplemental curriculum developed by educators, aimed at supporting comprehension, verbal and written skills for English-language learners.
- Sparking serious silliness for kids and former kids. The Mo Willems Workshop is a space to watch, create and play. This YouTube channel hosts read alouds, educational videos, drawing tutorials with Mo Willems himself, and more.
- If your school has a Discovery Education log in you can access a huge database of curriculum aligned digital textbooks and multimedia content.
- Courses for every subject, at every grade level. Try out a full course, or just work on a specific topic within a course, that could use some extra practice. For parents, there is a wealth of video resources to help out with those homework struggles. Can’t remember how to do something from your own schooling, or that common core math have you stumped? Check out the videos and regain your confidence in helping your child succeed.
- Curriculum aligned and used by over 100,000 students around the world, Prodigy is similar to a fantasy video game, but students must answer math questions to move through the fantasy world, earn power ups, and more!
- A place to learn, create, and explore. You can browse the Smithsonian learning lab for hundreds of videos, articles, and collections, on hundreds of topics. Search by #hashtag, event, name, topic and begin to explore this immense database of interactive materials.
- Hundreds of videos on twelve main topics including: the Arts, Business & Economics, Design, Engineering, and Technology, Health, Literature & Language, Mathematics, Philosophy & Religion, Psychology, Science & Technology, Social Studies, Teaching & Education, and Thinking & Learning. Build a lesson around a video, or just browse to start learning more.
- Do you wonder about things such as: How many animals are on the Earth? Who invented the pencil? Why do we procrastinate? And How often is ‘Once in a Blue Moon’? Wonderopolis, created by the National Center for Families Learning, answers these questions and so much more!
Yellowstone National Park Virtual Tours
- These are not video tours, but informative interactive tours using Google Maps. Each site in Yellowstone has a dedicated page with information on it’s history, structure, safety, fun facts, and more. There are also links to additional information related to each site. Some of the sites explored are Fort Yellowstone, the Mammoth Hot Springs, the Mud Volcano, and of course the Grand Canyon.
- Hundreds of learning games for grades pre-K through sixth and up. Games are on topics including, language, mathematics, holidays, strategy, and skill.
- Create a free account to gain full access to hundreds of topics. Follow along with Tim and Moby in the videos and then check out the quizes, additional resources, and games. For the younger kids, check out Brain Pop Jr. and explore with Annie and Moby as they explore and present topics for grades K-3. Also check out Brain Pop ELL for English Language Learners and learn basic English skills with Ben and Moby.
- A digital citizenship curriculum created for grades Kindergarten through twelfth grade. Each topic includes a lesson plan, video, activities, and resources. Topics covered include: media balance, privacy, digital footprints, communication, cyberbullying, and news & media.
- Games, videos, animals, and other explorative topics created by National Geographic Kids.
- Classroom resources, professional development, and resources for parents/afterschool hours. Read, Write, Think offers ideas for activities & projects, games & tools, tips & how-to’s, print-outs, and podcasts. Each topic is divided by grade level and supports key learning skills.
- Learn about the animals at the San Diego Zoo, check out the animal live-cams, read stories about some of the zoos interesting creatures, check out some animal inspired activities, and play some fun animal-tastic games!
- Courses, test prep, and more for every grade and subject. Access thousands of education resources for students and teachers. Paid option available to access even more content and even college credit classes.
- Think YouTube for teachers! Hundreds of topics created by teachers, for teachers.
- Create a free account and work through each of the stages to learn proper typing skills. Begin with the “home row” and work your way through to full paragraphs. Each stage is developed to improve your typing abilities, and increase your accuracy and speed.