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Gale Free Library

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Gale Free Library

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2023 Summer Reading Review Compilation!

Books read and reviewed by YOU - our lovely patrons!




Click on the images below to see complete lists of past titles read by our book groups



Looking for your next book? Not sure what else your favorite author has written? NoveList is the premiere database of reading recommendations, available through libraries around the world. It is a comprehensive source of information about books that includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and more.

"What is Goodreads" you ask? Think social media for book lovers. Imagine it as a large virtual library that you can wander through and see everyone's bookshelves, their reviews, and their ratings. You can also post your own reviews and catalog what you have read, are currently reading, and plan to read in the future. Don’t stop there – join a discussion group, start a book club, contact an author, and even post your own writing. Best part- IT'S FREE
LibraryThing helps you create a library-quality catalog of books: books you own, books you've read, books you'd like to read, books you've lent out ... whatever grouping you'd like.  Since everyone catalogs online, they also catalog together. You can contribute tags, ratings and reviews for a book, and Common Knowledge (facts about a book or author, like character names and awards), as well as participate in member forums or join the Early Reviewers program. Everyone gets the benefit of everyone else's work. LibraryThing connects people based on the books they share.


The Bookmark. Monthly Newsletter of the Gale Free Library


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