Printing and copying services will be unavailable Thursday morning until 1pm while we complete a necessary equipment upgrade. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Our reference staff is happy to help you with any research questions you might have!
When staff is available, you can talk to us in real time using the chat box to the right of this page.
When we are offline, reference staff can be reached through:
Phone : (508) 210 - 5569
Text : (508) 210 - 2901
General Questions - Contact Form
You can get started with your own research using our free research databses
found on our Go Digital! page.
Please also feel free to contact us if you need assistance with:
Placing holds on materials in the catalog
Using the catalog / library account issues
Accessing digital reference resources on our website
Technical device questions
Library programs and services
Local History / Genealogy (including materials on microfilm)*
and so much more!!
*Please note that responses related to local history/genealogy make take extra time.