The Library will be closed on Monday, 2/17, in observance of Presidents' Day. We will reopen Tuesday morning at 9:30am. 

Gale Free Library

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Gale Free Library

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Still available for your convenience:

You can still schedule a grab & go or curbside pickup for you Library holds! Pick-up can be arranged by:

calling (508) 210-5560 option 1 or email: ILLHL@CWMARS.ORG

Our outside material return bins are also open 24/7 for quick return drops too. 



Grab & Go bags will be labeled and placed on a table, near the Checkout Desk, in alphabetical order by last name. Please be mindful by double checking your name and to collect ONLY your bags. You can also request a curbside appointment and staff will deliver your library materials to your vehicle.


The Holden Senior Center provides delivery service of library materials to Holden seniors. If you would like to use Book Express, please contact Rachel Mimms, Head of Circulation Services at:

(508) 210-5560 ext. 4194 or RMIMMS@CWMARS.ORG.