Gale Free Library

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Gale Free Library

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Exhibit Policy

Please review the following policy before applying to exhibit artwork at the Gale Free Library.

Please note: Approved exhibitors may include title cards and a bio with links to their website and social media, but no pricing or red dots are permitted on library grounds.





As a forum for free access to information and ideas, the Gale Free Library makes space available for exhibits intended to provide educational, cultural and recreational viewing to the community.


The Library subscribes to the American Library Association Bill of Rights statement about the use of facilities, which says “such facilities [are] available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”


Art exhibits are made possible through the support of the Friends of the Gale Free Library.


1. Applications and bookings are made to the Library Director, who has final approval.


2. Scheduling:

a. Preference in scheduling is given to library exhibits.

b. All other scheduling is in the order the request is received.

c. Reservations may be made up to one year in advance.

d. Exhibit dates are arranged with the Library Director, or Assistant Director.


3. Exhibitors may hold a reception in the Library’s Program Room to mark the opening of the exhibit.

a. The capacity of the Program Room is a maximum of fifty people.

b. Receptions must be held during the hours the Library is open to the public and may not extend past the Library’s closing hours.

c. Alcoholic beverages may not be dispersed or consumed in any part of the Library or Library


d. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building.

e. Exhibitors may provide their own refreshments, upon approval of the Library Director.


4. Exhibitors must set up and remove exhibits themselves at a time arranged with either the Library Director or Assistant Director. Exhibits may remain on display for up to a month, and are installed between the first and last day of month.

a. All exhibits must be hung. No freestanding easels, pedestals, etc are permitted, except with the permission of the Library Director.

b. Care must be taken to prevent damage to the Library’s property. For example, frames should have protective “bumpers” to prevent scratching the paint on the walls.

c. Only wall-safe removable putty is allowed to adhere informational labels to the wall. Hooks, nails, or other fasteners may not be used.

d. All artwork must be hung and removed in the month that the artist is scheduled to exhibit. No storage is available. Please remove artwork promptly by the last day of the month.


5. There may be no sales, taking of orders, or recruiting of clients at exhibits. Exhibitors may, however, provide contact information for inquiries about sales.

a. The Library takes no commission, and charges no fee for exhibiting artwork. 

b. The Library staff will not engage in any sales or facilitate transactions on the artist's behalf.

c. Displayed artwork sold over the course of the exhibit must remain up through the end of the exhibit. Shipment or pickup is to be arranged by the artist/buyer outside of library premises.


6. Providing publicity (flyers, handouts, press releases, etc) about the exhibit and reception is the exhibitor’s responsibility, and must be approved by the Library Director. Upon approval, the Library will include information about the exhibit along with their monthly program publicity. Library staff may be able to assist with creating flyers if their schedules allow. However, the exhibitor must provide pertinent information (biography, show statement, images, etc) at least 4 weeks in advance of show.


7. The Library does not hold insurance for artwork on exhibit, and is not responsible for loss or damage to the artist’s work.


8. All exhibits in the Library must be open to the public and offered free of charge.


9. The use of the Library’s exhibit space does not constitute an endorsement of an organization’s or an individual’s policies and beliefs. Exhibits that are deemed to be obscene, offensive, or inappropriate given the use of the Library by members of the public, including minors, will not be eligible.


10. The Library Director must receive a signed Exhibit Contract prior to installation.


11. Failure to abide by this policy may result in the withdrawal of permission to exhibit in the Library.


Approved July 2023

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